Resolve your resolution
Let's start this blog post with a deep breath in and a breath out. Now take a look at this scenic view of Lauguna Beach, California.
Photo credit: Ash Dason
Follow him on Instagram @adason
We are a couple days away from February and a couple weeks away from the new Fifty Shades of Grey movie coming out. I know it's in your calendar don't pretend and we won't pretend Olive met her New Years resolution of blogging once a week, so she has politely asked her beloved mother to blog with her! This life with frenchies series starts now! I'm so incredibly honored obviously but I'm hoping to make sure we are able to start an interactive community similar to Olive the Fancy Frenchie and Greyson the Dapper Frenchies instagram community!
I'm not a match for Olive's witty candor but writing about life with frenchies and pups is a reality many of you can relate to. In addition I hope this blog becomes a parallel to Carrie Bradshaw's enlightened column on Sex and the City but life with frenchies! We watched Sex and the City in high school and now it's time to face the fact that we are old and need to stop binge Sex and the City when we have an 7 am meeting the next day.
I'm hoping you all are more excited than I am! In all honesty, I'm frightened since I am an extremely private person! I am not a fan of crowds, I cherish quality personal time, cultivate relationships slowly and when I feel safe. I am an introvert so sharing my thoughts don't come easy, but once I'm comfortable my thoughts, ideas and opinions are never ending.
I have had some requests from the Frenchie families we have met through events during 2016 but feel free to email me and let me know topics, questions or requests you have for blog posts or topics you would like to see!
Stay fancy my friends
Olive and Deejay